Denmark Council votes to split bridge project 20/7/2017

Should a political reporter be a lobbyist?

Or, if a well-timed question to a minister prompts her to seek more information and perhaps change her mind, is this lobbying?

The Weekender, June 15, 2017

The Weekender, June 15, 2017


Denmark Shire was in a conundrum over two jointly-funded projects: an new light industrial area and a bridge. Everyone wanted the first, but councillors could not agree on where to build the second where funds permitted.

Several hours after I asked her the minister decided the two projects could be “split” and there now seems to be enough money to go ahead with the subdivision. 

This stuff excites me more than anything I get published on the front page.

The Weekender, July 20, 2017

The Weekender, July 20, 2017